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  • kwestmark

I Love You All

Updated: Sep 6, 2022

I’m not sure when I started saying it, my church could better tell you. Maybe it was during a time of pandemic and isolation. I started ending the service with, “I love you all.” Every week, that is how I end the service. What do I mean when I say that? It means I love you with Christ’s love. It means I’m willing to cry with you, to laugh with you, to rejoice with you, to be there in moments of joy and sorrow. It means I know you each carry a heavy load, but I pray for you that God will help you carry the load. It means, when you go through major medical situations, I’ll hold your hand and pray with you. I love you all means I want to be there for all of you, but I know I am only one person and I trust the Holy Spirit to direct my steps to each soul at the right time. I love you all means, when you are fighting for your life, I want to scrub your bathroom or make you a meal. I love you all means I may not like your choices in that moment, but God’s grace is sufficient to reach you and I keep praying and keep on loving you. I love you all means, I don’t hold a grudge and I’ve already forgiven you. I love you all means I’m reminding you of God’s love for you, that is pure and holy. I love you all means, I don’t know what this week holds for you, but I know God is with you and with help you no matter how difficult or joyous. I love you all means, I know you might have never heard those words before in proper godly context or understand God’s love, and while I am not the perfect role model of perfect love, I hope to point you to the one who was and is and is to come. I love you all means, you are free to make your own choices and I might cry or be happy or both. I love you all means, I pray fervently on my face and on my knees for you and your family regularly. I love you all means I am fighting a spiritual battle on your behalf. I love you all means, life is too short not to say it. I love you all means, I see you and you are not alone. 1 Peter 4:8 says, "Love one another deeply, for love covers over a multitude of sins." The deep love of Jesus is the reason I can say, I love you all.

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